Ramayana As told by Bill Gates
LAN LAN ago, in the SYSTEM of I/O-dhya, there ruled aPROCESSOR named DOS-rat. Once he EXCUTED a greatsacrifice PROGRAM after which his queens gave anOUTPUT of four SUNS - RAM, LSI-man,BUG-rat, andSED-rughana.
RAM the eldest was a MICROCHIP with excellent MEMORY.His brothers, however, were only PERIPHERAL ICS.
Once when RAM was only 16MB, he married princess C-ta.12 years passed and DOS-rat decided to INSTALL RAM ashis successor.
However, queen CIE/CAE, who was once offered a boon byDOS-rat for a life saving HELP COMMAND, took thisopportunity atthe instigation of her BIOSed maid, andinsisted that her son BUG-rat be installed and thatRAM be BOOTED to the forest for 14 years.At this cruel and unexpected demand, a SURGE passedthru DOS-rat and due to FATAL ERROR he collapsed,power-less. RAM agreed to LOG INTO forest and C-tainsisted to LOGIN with him. LSI-man was also resolvedon LOGGING IN with his brother.
The forest was the dwelling of SPARC-nakha, theTRANSISTOR of RAW-wan, PROCESSOR of LAN-ka. Attractedby RAM's stature, she proposed that he marry her. RAMpolitely denied. Perceiving C-ta to be the SOURCE CODEfor her distress, she hastened to kill her. WeepingSPARC-nakha fled to LAN-ka, where RAW-wan,moved byTRANSISTOR's plight, approached his uncle MAR-icha.
MAR-icha REPROGRAMMED himself into the form of agolden stag and drew RAM deep into the forest.Finally, tired of chase, RAM shot the deer, who, withhis last breath, cried out desperately for LSI-man inRAM's voice. Fooled by this VIRTUAL RAM's SOUND, C-taurged LSI-man to his brother's aid. Catching theopportunity, RAW-wan DELINKED C-ta from her LIBRARYand changed her ROOT DIRECTORY (or HOME PAGE) toLAN-ka.
RAM and LSI-man started LINEAR SEARCHING for themissing C-ta all over the forest. They made friendshipwith the SYSTEM ADMINI STRATOR of forest SU-greev and his powerfulco-processor Ha-NEUMAN. SU-greev agreed to help RAM.
SU-greev ordered his PROGRAMMERS to use powerfulBINARY & BOOLEAN SEARCH techniques to FIND the missingC-ta. His PROGRAMMERS SEARCHED all around the INTER-NETworkedforests. Many tried to EXCITE the birds and animalsnot to forget the WEBWLERS (Insects) and tried to INFOSEEK something about C-ta. Some of them even shoutedYAHOO but they all ended up with NOT FOUND MESSAGES.
Several other SEARCH techniques proved useless.Ha-NEUMAN devised a RISCy TECHNOLOGY and used it tocross the seas at an astonishing CLOCK SPEED. SoonHa-NEUMAN DOWNLOADED himself into LAN-ka. After doingsome local SEARCH, he found C-ta weeping under a TREESTRUCTURE. Ha-NEUMAN used a LOGIN ID (ring) toidentify himself to C-ta. After DECRYPTING the KEY,C-ta believed in him and asked him to send a STATUS_OKMESSAGE to RAM. Meanwhile all the raakshasa BUGSaround C-ta captured Ha-NEUMAN and tried to DELETE himusing pyro-techniques. But Ha-NEUMAN managed to spreadchaos by using the VIRUS 'FIRE'. Ha-NEUMAN happilypressed ESCAPE from LAN-ka and conveyed all the STATUSMESSAGES to RAM and SU-greev.
RAW-wan decided to take the all powerful RAM head-onand prepared for the battle One of the RAW-wan's SUNalmost DELETED RAM and LSI-man with a powerful brahma-astra. ButHa-NEUMAN resorted to some ACTIVE-X gradients andREBOOTED RAM and LSI-man. RAM used the SOURCE CODEsecrets of RAW-wan and once for all wiped outRAW-wan's presence on earth.
After the battle, RAM got INSTALLED in I/O-dhya andspreaded his MICRO SOFT WORKS and other USER FRIENDLYPROGRAMS to all USERS and every one lived happily everafter.
TODAY is the TOMORROW you worried about YESTERDAY.WAS it WORTH it?
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