Saturday, December 28, 2019

My Story in Decades

Though I was born in '78, Iam going to skip the '80's as it was a haze of disjointed memories, budding friendships, coping with school - basically being trained to be social...


Iam breaking down the three decades after 80's as those of discovery, proof and learning...


Decade of discovery, the 90's were not very different from the 80's as i still had high school, teenage, college to get through.


the discovery was - of myself, for myself.. 

what I like, what I don't, 

what I am like, what I am not, 

what I prefer, what I don't, 

who I prefer, who I don't, 

what I love, what I won't, ... 


Like many, I had strong family around me, although they had their share of struggles, including those created by yours truly... I took a few indulgent decisions, giving up sports and engineering as  career options and building my currency in teaching, earning and enjoying creative passions...


The decade of proof, 2000's, the Y2K doom never materialized, that was proof of mass hysteria..


On a personal note the '00's were proof of enterprise, of my ability to apply myself, struggle by myself, go through loss and discomfort  still survive, find LOVE,  get related, possess and be possessed, build credibility, create impact and value, inspire and stand out, travel and unravel- a lot.... of something to look forward to....


Decade of learning, I closed the decade before with something to look forward to, that's what i started the current decade with, looking forward to being a parent, 

how to be one, 

what kind would I be, 

I had to re learn, re discover, 

the haze of the 80's came back as vivid memories, I was falling in Love everyday with life again and again, 


Yes, there were lots of despair, and HOPE, I re learnt my journey of the 80's through my children, found friends in the unlikeliest, grew beyond materialism and became minimal, grow above possessions and positions.. I learn everyday now, FROM and WITH everyone... 


Today I have learnt to be grateful for all that I that I took lightly, before..Parents, family, friends.. Love..


Tomorrow starts a new decade, I don't know what it will bring, but I hope it is, HOPE.. 


I know and know-of many in difficulty, 

I know of many making new beginnings, 

I know of many who would like the challenges to cease for a moment to breathe, 


For all of those and to my children who would be teenagers by the end of next decade, going through their own journey of discovery, I hope it is a Decade of Hope, friendship and love.. here's to the 2020's.....


Happy New year



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