My own Zen story to add
"A student comes to the master and asks him how do i succeed.
To this the master says, keep walking and you will realise.
The student thinks for a while then asks what is the road comes to a dead end then how do i find out.
To this the master says, the road does not end, its you who sees the dead end because you feel you have reached your destiny or success as you may call it.
Take a diversion on your path and you shall realise that there is a whole new road left for you to walk and many after that too".
Gives a whole new dimension to the saying "success is a journey not an end doesnt it"
an old woman in my household once said "you can walk till you come to a door then you need to decide whether thats what you wanted to do or do you want to go beyond?"
Many want to go beyond- but how many do